Jump to featured artist is a curated collection of Spanish singer-songwriters, dedicated to supporting their artistry and helping you discover the authentic and diverse voices of talented musicians as they express their unique stories through music.

Are you missing a singer-songwriter in this list? Let us know about them and we’ll see if we can include them. Just send us a link for the song on Spotify you want to feature here! Reach us per email:

Jairo Martín
Todos los payasos somos tristes
Todos los payasos somos tristes

Every day, the color of the app and the “Artist Of The Day” are chosen at random. See what happens when you type in their name!

How is this working? We are using Eleventy to generate this site. We get the artist assets from a Spotify playlist, store them in a JSON file and place the info in web components. Do you want to know more? Check the source code on GitHub or get in touch with us: